## SCOTS Corpus ##
The Scottish Corpus Of Texts and Speech [(SCOTS)][1] is a corpus containing over 1300 written and spoken texts, 77% of which is made up of written texts and 23% of spoken texts. The spoken portion was aligned as part of the SPADE project using MFA, using a pronunciation dictionary derived from the Edinburgh accent of [UNISYN.][2] The corpus is largely comprised of spontaneous speech, with some read speech (e.g. poetry reading).
**Number of Speakers:** 226, 139F in 179 recordings \
**Hours of Speech:** about 107 \
**Year Recorded:** 1973, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2002-2011 \
**Speaker Dimensions:** Gender, decade of birth, place of birth (birthplace), occupation.
### Corpus Reference ###
Anderson, J., Beavan, D.& Kay, C. (2007). Scots: Scottish corpus of texts and speech. In: Creating and digitizing language corpora. Springer 17–34.
[1]: http://www.scottishcorpus.ac.uk
[2]: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/unisyn/