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Description: This is the central online repository for the Smartphone Sensing Panel Study.


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Snapshots of Daily Life: Investigating Daily Situations Through the Lens of Smartphone Sensing

Landing page for supplementary information related to the article "Snapshots of Daily Life: Investigating Daily Situations Through the Lens of Smartph...

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Keep on Scrolling? – Using Intensive Longitudinal Smartphone Sensing Data to Assess How Everyday Smartphone Usage Behaviors are Related to Well-Being

This osf project includes supplemental materials for the manuscript große Deters & Schoedel (2023): "Keep on Scrolling? – Using Intensive Longitud...

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Semantic content outperforms speech prosody in predicting affective experience in naturalistic settings

Many commercial products use algorithms to recognize affect based on speech prosody (i.e., voice acoustics). These algorithms are typically trained on...

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