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Colombia is currently facing a peace process with the FARC, the larger guerrilla in the country, and studying the effects of dehumanization on observers’ attributions, social categorizations, and retributive judgments, towards different kinds of perpetrators becomes particularly relevant in this context. We evaluate the effects of a media dehumanizing discourse towards FARC members on observers’ agency attributions, retributive judgments, and resocialization attitudes towards them. Results show that when FARC members were framed in a dehumanizing context, observers significantly attributed them less agency, did more severe retributive judgments, showed more negative attitudes towards their resocialization, and showed greater social distance. The implications of these findings for a Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reincorporation (DDR) process in a post-conflict scenario are discussed. ![Dehumanization effects by participant gender and group][1] [1]: **Dehumanization effects by participant gender and group (School, College, Adults). The horizontal axis representes the condition (H= humanization; D= dehumanization).**
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