Please join us for Poster Session C on Saturday 3/21 from 12-2. We'll be
monitoring comments here on OSF, keeping an eye on twitter
(tag @clukyanenko), and hanging out on zoom (psu.zoom.us/j/302082911). We'd
love to discuss this work with you!
**Short Abstract**
We probed Mainstream American English (MAE) speakers’ processing and
interpretation of Negative Concord (NC) and Negative Polarity Item (NPI)
structures (*the news anchor didn’t warn nobody/anybody*) to better
understand their status in MAE-speakers’ grammars. Participants (N=53) read
two-clause sentences with NC, NPI or bare plural (*didn’t warn people*) first
clauses, followed by second clauses that supported a single-negation
reading. Slowdowns upon first encountering NC structures indicated that
they were unexpected, but the lack of downstream effects of difficulty or
misinterpretation supports theories that model the constructions similarly.
Conditional contexts were also examined (*if the news anchor warned