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Data is in specified folders in Matlab format (mat-files) Main Behavioral Experiment scripts - GetAccelerometerData = Reads raw accelerometers txt-files, epochs them, and saves stimulus-related accelerometer responses - Accelerometer_group_analysis.m = this script finds peak acceleration and RT for each trial/condition, and constructs a data table - Accelerometer_Statistics = main statistical analyses - fear_behavior_correlation = additional analysis across participants on how aversiveness ratings are related to behavioral responses - plots = figures Control Experiment scripts - GamePad_analysis = script that reads Presentation data files, and performs the statistical analysis (+ figure) EEG experiment scripts - AddPeakAccMarkerEEG = adds a marker that represents RT (and peak acceleration) - Nelli_EEG_preproc = EEG preprocessing script - grand_average script = reads participants' EEG data, plots ERPs and performs statistical analysis - BehavioralAnalysis = analysis script for the behavioral data
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