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While using staRt clinically, you are encouraged to use whatever traditional cues for articulator placement that have worked well for you in the past. If you are new to articulatory cueing for /r/, the documents in this section provide suggested wording and visual aids to elicit correct production of /r/. *These materials were developed in collaboration with Elaine Hitchcock (Montclair State University) and Jonathan Preston (Syracuse University) as part of the project Correcting Residual Errors with Spectral, ULtrasound, Traditional Speech therapy Randomized Controlled Trial (C-RESULTS RCT; NIH R01DC017476; identifier NCT03737318).* - [Introducing tongue shapes for r][1]: Script for use in an initial session orienting child to articulatory requirements for /r/. - [Images of tongue shapes for r][2]: Images to accompany the introductory script linked above. - [Articulator placement cues for r][3]: Suggested verbal cues for use in treatment sessions (with or without biofeedback). [1]: [2]: [3]:
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