**Upcoming OSF Workshop:**
Please refer to [UBC Library calendar](https://libcal.library.ubc.ca/calendar/vancouver?cid=7544&t=g&d=0000-00-00&cal=7544&inc=0) for all the upcoming workshops and events.
**Related Resources:**
1. [Open Science Framework (OSF) Research Guide](https://guides.library.ubc.ca/c.php?g=713772)
2. [Open Science @ UBC](https://openscience.ubc.ca/research/OSF/)
3. [UBC Okanagan workshop template](https://osf.io/m3a8b/)
4. [Center For Open Science (COS) Ambassadors](https://osf.io/bs23x/)
This project space contains current and previous versions of the OSF workshop offered at the UBC Vancouver campus led by Woodward Library's student librarians.
The current workshop version is publicly available while earlier iterations have been set to private, but are available for anyone to use upon request.