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Affiliated institutions: University of British Columbia

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Category: Project

Description: This project provides the Open Science Framework (OSF) workshop materials and related resources created and adapted from previous materials by UBC Woodward Library's student librarians. It's a project space for student librarians to modify and develop future workshops.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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2021_11_03 Workshop

An Introduction to the Open Science Framework. UBC online synchronous.

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2021_10_28_Getting the most out of OSF

Workshop for UBC graduate students from ICORD (International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries) and the Brain Circuits cluster co-op

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2021_02_11 Workshop

An Introduction to the Open Science Framework. Workshop description and materials for February 2021 workshop. UBC online synchronous.

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2020_06_01 Workshop

Title: An Introduction to the Open Science Framework. Workshop description and materials for June 2020 workshop. UBC online synchronous.

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