**Paper**: [Preprint][1]
**Reanalysis code**: [OSF/Experiment_1_Reanalysis.Rmd][2]
**Reanalysis output**: [steveharoz.com/research/comments/sampling.html][3]
**Original data:** The `libsampling/trial data` folder contains the original article's data. Here is a [fork of the original article's repository][4], which includes other content.
**Independent reproducibility test:** You can view the analysis that was run in a [Code Ocean capsule][5]. Go to `Files` -> `results` -> `Experiment_1_Reanalysis.html`
**Running the reanalysis code yourself:**
1. You will need [R][6] and [RStudio][7].
2. Download the OSF Storage folder from this repository.
3. Open the Rmd file in Rstudio.
4. Rstudio should give you an option to click and install all needed packages. If not, for each call to `library(PACKAGE)` in the Rmd file, you need to to install that corresponding package by running `install.packages("PACKAGE")` in the R console.
5. Click the `Knit` button above the markdown code. Note that it takes 40+ minutes the first time, but it should cache the more complex analyses for much faster reruns (1-2 minutes).
[1]: https://osf.io/q29nc/
[2]: https://osf.io/cmejr/
[3]: http://steveharoz.com/research/comments/sampling.html
[4]: https://github.com/steveharoz/libsampling/
[5]: https://codeocean.com/capsule/8426614/tree/v3
[6]: https://cloud.r-project.org/
[7]: https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/