Building on its legacy of energy leadership, the University of California has set a bold goal: to become carbon neutral by 2025. Meeting this goal, called the [Carbon Neutrality Initiative][1], requires eliminating the use of fossil-based natural gas by its buildings and vehicle fleet. A key question is how.
Natural gas currently accounts for almost two-thirds of UC's emissions. Two-thirds of that natural gas is burned in large combined heating cooling and power plants (CHP), which are operated by seven of the ten campuses. These plants represent major investments in long-lived, cost-efficient natural gas-burning infrastructure that will complicate the task of rapid decarbonization.
To identify viable options for reducing and eventually eliminating the use of natural gas across the UC system, [NCEAS convened a 27-member working group][2] in 2017. This team included academic researchers with a wide range of expertise, students, and energy managers from five UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It also included a key representative of the UC Office of the President, who helped coordinate with other activities of the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative.
This report summarizes their findings.
This work is intended to serve as a resource for the University of California, other universities, and any other entity committed to pursuing deep decarbonization through the elimination of natural gas from its operations.
Feedback, questions and suggestions may be directed to David Auston, Director of the UC-TomKat Carbon Neutrality Project,, or lead author, Alan Meier,