This project includes the data and analysis code for [Cunnings & Fujita (2021)][1].
"Data - RTs.csv" and "Data - Accuracy.csv" include the reading time and comprehension accuracy data respectively. The "_Proficiency" versions of these files include the non-native data including a column with proficiency scores. "Data - L2_Proficiency_Test.csv" includes the raw data from the L2 proficiency test.
"Code for Between Groups Analyses & L2 Proficiency.txt" includes the code for running the inferential statistics and creating the plots as reported in the paper. This file also includes information about column names in the datasets.
"Code for Split-Half Analyses.txt" includes the code for conducting the split-half correlations by running a series of mixed-effects models. The "Additional By-Subject Split Half Analyses" folder includes data and code for running the split-half correlations by calculating by-subject means (rather than mixed-effects models).
"Stimuli.txt" contains a full list of the stimuli used in the experiment.