**Data Description**
All of our (anonymized) data are available in the `FMR+All+Data.csv` file contained [herein][1].
Each row of the data corresponds to a single participant's survey responses.
For our studies, the dependent variable (DV) of interest is the participant mean response which is given in the `Response` column. For each participant, this is the average of her responses to each of the `Horace kills his child…` and `Dylan stabs a passerby…` survey questions.
Two factors are considered: `Identity` and `Interaction`. The Identity factor consists in the `Sam` (Same-Culture), `Mamilon` (Other-Culture), and `Pentar` (Extraterrestrial) conditions, while the Interaction factor consists in `Interaction` and `NoInteraction` conditions.
Data on age, sex, and the number of ethics/moral philosophy courses take were also gathered and are included in the data set.
A table and plot summarizing of our data as broken down by condition (`Identity` and `Interaction`) are provided bellow.
![Table of study data.][2]
![Figure of study data.][3]
*Caption.* In the figure above, error bars indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
[1]: https://osf.io/x6y2a/
[2]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/tw3z5/?action=download&mode=render&direct&public_file=False&initialWidth=774&childId=mfrIframe&parentTitle=OSF%20%7C%20Table01%2bSummaryofData.png&parentUrl=https://osf.io/tw3z5/&format=800x800.jpeg
[3]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/q5kpu/?action=download&mode=render&direct&public_file=False&initialWidth=774&childId=mfrIframe&parentTitle=OSF%20%7C%20Figure01%2bCombinations.jpg&parentUrl=https://osf.io/q5kpu/&format=500x500.jpeg