This presentation explores the lessons learned from pivoting a Data
Carpentries workshop from in-person to online. Before the initial onslaught
of tightened COVID-19 restrictions, Carpentries workshops worldwide were
traditionally held in-person, facilitating a learning environment where
personalized instruction was further enhanced by helpers who would
streamline troubleshooting processes. Two instructors, one librarian and
one Wildlife Biology PhD student, jumpstarted and co-taught the University
of Montana’s first in-person Carpentries workshop focused on the R
programming language during February 2020. Due to COVID-19 complications, a
repeated workshop was postponed to the 2020 fall semester and was adapted
for a fully online setting. These circumstances granted the instructors a
unique opportunity to reflect upon and compare the effectiveness of
facilitating Carpentries workshops for novice learners in a face-to-face
environment versus a virtual modality.