**Research Firsts Exhibition: Image and accompanying text by Deepika Sharma**
![two graphs showing coloured patches representing brain inflammation][1]
Moving from Immunology to Neurosciences was the first leap of faith I took in my scientific career. Knowing nothing about the experimentation biology of the brain and neurosciences, I started out in the Cavanagh lab here at Glasgow.
My first experiment with the neuro-inflammation model was a flow cytometry experiment. And the difference I saw on my flow plots between an inflamed brain and non-inflamed brain was striking.
This was the first result which pushed me through my first year and still drives me to get to the bottom of the biology demonstrated here.
[1]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/download/ygrzn/?direct=&mode=render&format=2400x2400.jpeg