This is a project that aims at looking at how psychological science has changed following the improving science discussions that because especially vocal in 2012.
To do this, we are coding a random sample of articles from some of the field's top journals (JPSP, JESP, Psych Science, and JESP) from 2003, 2004 (before the recent improving science discussion) and 2013 and 2014 (after the 2012 special issue of PoPS, and during ongoing improving science discussions). Our coding scheme will allow us to compute various measures of replicability / scientific integrity (e.g., the R-Index, p-curve, Test for Insufficient Variance, N-Pact) and look for changes over time.
Our full list of our a priori hypotheses and our analysis plan are included on this OSF page as a PDF.
We've also attached the initial R script file that contains the basic coding to structure and clean the data to prepare it for substantive analysis.