#### **Data for 'Relationships between community composition, productivity and invasion resistance in semi-natural bacterial microcosms'** ####
This data repository contains the data needed to run the R scripts stored in the GitHub repository. You need to clone/download the GitHub repository to your local machine and then run the relevant `download_data.R` script before running the code.
There are three options related to where in the pipeline you want to start running the code:
1. `1_start`: These inputs and outputs folders contain only the 'rawest' data i.e. the data needed to run the analysis from the start to the end. If you want to run the whole pipeline, after downloading this, just run `Z_run_wholepipeline.R`, though it'll take a while.
2. `2_preanalysis`: These inputs and outputs folders contain the data after pipeline steps 1-6 have been run i.e. time-consuming pre-analysis has been done. This allows you to run the analysis from the '8_randomforests.R' point; the point described in the main body of the manuscripts' Results.
3. `3_end`: These inputs and outputs folders contain the end result of running all of the steps/scripts in the pipeline.
You can choose which option you want by changing the value of the 'whichpoint' R object in the `download_data.R` script to the relevant string (i.e. '1_start', '2_preanalysis', '3_end').