This component includes data and analysis scripts for the meta-analyses of the effects from the experiment reported in Figures 6A-C of [Willingham et al. 2012][1] and the replication of this experiment.
**Figure 3. Meta-analysis of effect.**
Effect size (Glass' ∆) and 95% confidence interval are presented for Willingham et al., 2012, this replication attempt (RP:CB), and a meta-analysis to combine the two effects of tumor weight comparisons. Sample sizes used in Willingham et al., 2012 and this replication attempt are reported under the study name. Random effects meta-analysis of tumors treated with IgG compared to anti-CD47 (meta-analysis *p* = .745).
Access [full size image][3] and [R script][4] used to generate this figure. These scripts will call the [data][5] directly from the OSF.
Access [analysis script][6]. This script will call the [data][7] directly from the OSF for the replication data.