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# Data, reproduction and replication materials for (Bor 2017) This repository contains detailed experimental protocols adhering to the standards set by Gerber et al (2014) for each of the four studies. The RMarkdown (.Rmd) files contain all information for replicating the experiments, as well as all code required to reproduce the results in the present paper. ## R codes: - **p2_s1_protocol.Rmd** is Study 1's code - **p2_s2_protocol.Rmd** is Study 2's code - **p2_s3_protocol.Rmd** is Study 3's code - **p2_s4_protocol.Rmd** is Study 4's code ## Experimental reports: The reports are exported into a pdfs for convenience. - **p2_s1_protocol.pdf** is Study 1's report - **p2_s2_protocol.pdf** is Study 2's report - **p2_s3_protocol.pdf** is Study 3's report - **p2_s4_protocol.pdf** is Study 4's report ## Data files: - **P2_S1.csv** is the raw data from Study 1 replicating the results from Delton and Robertson's (2012) Study 4. - **P2_S2_pre2.csv** is the raw data with pre-test of sentences signalling incompetence. - **P2_S2.csv** is raw data from Study 2 modifying Delton and Robertson (2012). - **P2_S3.csv** is raw data from Study 3 introducing an experimental treatment priming leader evaluation psychologies - **P2_S4_pre.csv** is raw data with pre-test of sentences signalling high or low likability. - **P2_S4.csv** is raw data from Study 4 extending Study 3 by presenting two trait dimensions. ## (Visual) Materials - **1.png** - **8.png** the photographs of the eight targets. - **plane.jpg** is used in Studies 3-4 as an illustration of the scenario. ## Figures: - Figure1.pdf - Figure2.pdf
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