**EDITOR'S INSTRUCTIONS: For each section below, replace the italicized text with the relevant information about your own replication project. Do not change any of the other text or headings. You can add additional headings as needed (e.g., if you are translating the materials, add a "translation" heading and describe your procedures.) When you are done, delete these editor instructions.**
Implementation Details
This page describes how our lab implemented the procedures required by the official protocol for the RRR. It also describes and justifies any additions to or departures from that protocol. You can view the official protocl and the main project page for this RRR using these links:
- Official Protocol: [https://osf.io/ypd78/][1]
- Main RRR project page: [https://osf.io/scu2f/][2]
#### Experimenters ####
*Please note the qualifications/training of those who are conducting the testing and describe how any research assistants were trained on the protocol. Note any expertise with the topic area or methods used in this study. You already provided most of this information on your application. Please provide it again here.*
#### Setting/Lab/Equipment ####
*Please describe the testing environment in as much detail as possible. Include details of any equipment/computers you will use, where participants will be tested (i.e., describe how the testing space is arranged so that participants won't feel observed by other participants or the experimenter). Note how many testing stations are available. Please upload photographs and/or video of your lab arrangement to the Files section of this component. You can do that by clicking the Files link at the top of the page - the interface allows you to upload files. You can also embed the images here using the picture icon in the formatting palette that appears at the top of this window when you're in editing mode.*
#### Sample, subjects, and randomization ####
**Target sample size:**
*Specify how many participants you plan to test in total. Here is some suggested wording. In this sentence, replace N with the number of testing stations you have available, replace K with the number of sessions you will schedule, and replace N x K with the product of N and K: "We will schedule a total of K sessions with N participants in each session, for a target sample of N x K participants"*
**Target sample demographics:**
*Describe the source of your participants, how they will be compensated, and predicted demographic characteristics.*
**Minimum sample size after exclusions:**
*Specify your minimum sample size. Once you register your page, you will need to continue collecting data until you reach this many usable participants. Note that your minimum usable sample size must exceed the protocol requirement of 75 participants in each condition.*
**Stopping rule(s):**
*Describe how you will ensure that your sample meets or exceeds your minimum sample size. How will you determine when you will stop collecting data. Anticipate what you would do if you, after meeting your target sample size, you needed additional participants to meet your minimum required sample size. Here is suggested wording that is acceptable. Again, replace N with the number of participants in each session and MINIMUM is your specified minimum sample size above: "If, after completing all of the scheduled testing sessions and after any exclusions, we have fewer than MINIMUM subjects in either condition, we will schedule additional sessions of N participants until we have usable data from at least MINIMUM participants in each condition."*
**Randomization to conditions:**
Participants will be randomly assigned to conditions by the provided Qualtrics Script.
**Blinding to conditions:**
*Describe how you will ensure that participants were unaware that other participants received different instructions about the time constraints.*
**Exclusion rules:**
*Describe how you will handle data exclusions. The official protocol describes a number of reasons for exclusion. These include a failure to complete all tasks or incorrect administration of the tasks by the experimenter. If you will be using any other exclusion rules, specify them here. If not, just state that you will be using the same exclusion rules required by the official protocol. Note that if you exclude participants, you should retain their data, but mark them for exclusion. And, exclusion decisions should be made by someone blind to condition assignment.*
**Procedures for handling testing sessions for which the number of participants is not a multiple of 4:**
*The protocol requires that participants be assigned to groups of 4 and that their payouts depend on the contributions of those group members. Note that participants must be tested in groups of 12 or more. In some cases, not all participants may show up for a study, leaving a number of participants that is not a multiple of 4. When that happens, the "extra" participants will not be able to take part in this particular study. For example, if 16 participants are scheduled but only 14 arrive for the study, 2 of those will not be able to participate so that the number of tested participants will remain a multiple of 4 (i.e., only 12 could be tested in that case). Please specify how you will handle cases in which extra participants must be excluded from the study. We encourage you to have another study ready so that you can still use the opportunity to test those participants. Note that the one exception to the rule that participants must be tested in groups of 12 or more is if your lab only has 12 computers and one more more participants fails to show up, leaving you with 8-11 participants. In that case, you may test 8 participants.*
#### Software/Code ####
*Please confirm you will be using the provided materials, including the Qualtrics scripts, and that you have verified that they work in your laboratory.*
#### Differences from the official protocol ####
*Note any significant additions to or departures from the official protocol. Feel free to add dividers and subheadings here if necessary. If you are adding additional measures or conditions to the end of the study, you should give full details here. Please make sure to explain why adding these measures will not affect the primary tasks and measures. It's fine to upload a file and refer to it for additional details as needed. If you are using translated materials, note that here too and describe your translation procedures (who translated them and how you back-translated them to verify the accuracy of the translations). Upload the translated files on your page as well.*
[1]: https://osf.io/ypd78/
[2]: https://osf.io/scu2f/