**Original citation.** Lemay, E.P., & Clark, M.S. (2008). How the head liberates the heart: projection of communal responsiveness guides relationship promotion. *Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95*(4), 647-671.
**Target of replication.** We particularly focus on the result showing that participants project their own responsiveness onto others, b=.68, p<.001.
**A priori replication criteria.** We plan to use a cross classified multilevel model to test projection of responsiveness. The model will include random intercepts for group, perceiver, target, dyad, and idiosyncratic perception classification. It will also include fixed effect predictors for own responsiveness, target partner’s self-reported responsiveness, and informant’s perceptions of target partner’s responsiveness to perceivers. The fixed effects will be entered into the model uncentered. The dependent variable is perceptions of partner responsiveness and it will be standardized across the sample.
The replication report with more details can be found [here][1].
Materials have been collected from the original authors.
[1]: https://osf.io/mv3i7/