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I will discuss the results of two Keck studies that trace low-ionization gas flows in and out of intermediate redshift galaxies. Using LRIS spectroscopy of 200 galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.4, we find that detections of gas inflows as traced by Mg II and Fe II are not as common as gas outflows, when viewed “down the barrel” towards each galaxy. The inflowing gas typically has velocities of 100-200 km/s and is found in star-forming galaxies with a range of star formation rates. I also present a detailed analysis of gas in the halo of a Milky Way-type galaxy at z=0.4, using high-resolution HIRES data. I discuss the interpretation of both studies in terms of extended and/or warped disks, tidal interactions, and halo gas surrounding intermediate redshift galaxies.
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