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# Freyria et al., 2022 - Communications Biology Scripts for "**Salinity tolerance mechanisms of an Arctic Pelagophyte using comparative transcriptomic and gene expression analysis**" by **Nastasia J. Freyria, Alan Kuo, Mansi Chovatia, Jenifer Johnson, Anna Lipzen, Kerrie W. Barry, Igor V. Grigoriev and Connie Lovejoy**. DOI: http:// ## Data availability - All transcriptome samples are in the DOE JGI Genome Portal under Sequencing Project ID 1253386 and Analysis Project ID 123385, from the Sequence Read Archive (SRP284677-SRP284681). - CCMP 2097 reference genome and the annotated genome are available at JGI Genome Portal and PhycoCosm Portal under JGI Project ID 1020062. - List of files: - Script for R analyses - Reads per gene matrix - Deseq2 matrix ## Transcriptomic analysis ### Pipeline steps 1. Quality control of clean sequences (available on DOE JGI Genome Portal) using FastQC/0.11.9 ```` zcat *fastq.gz | fastqc stdin ```` 2. Trimmomatic/0.36 ```` java -jar $EBROOTTRIMMOMATIC/trimmomatic-0.36.jar PE -threads 8 -phred33 ../R1.fastq.gz ../R2.fastq.gz R1.paired.fastq.gz R1.unpaired.fastq.gz R2.paired.fastq.gz R2.unpaired.fastq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:trimmomatic/0.36/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:5:20 MINLEN:100 ```` 3. Mapping against genome reference using STAR/2.6.1a ``` # Star index STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /Genome_directory/ --genomeFastaFiles /Genome_directory/Pelago2097_1_AssemblyScaffolds_Repeatmasked.fasta --runThreadN 24 --sjdbGTFfile /Genome_directory/Pelago2097_1_GeneCatalog_20160408.gff3 --sjdbOverhang 99 --sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript Parent # Star mapping STAR --genomeDir /Genome_directory/ --readFilesIn /Trimmomatic/R1_paired.fq.gz /Trimmomatic/R2_paired.fq.gz --runThreadN 8 --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix Star_results/Star_mapp_ --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outSAMunmapped Within --outSAMattributes Standard --quantMode GeneCounts --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --sjdbGTFfile /Genome_directory/Pelago2097_1_GeneCatalog_20160408.gtf ``` 4. FeatureCounts ``` featureCounts -T 4 -a /Genome_directory/Pelago2097_1_GeneCatalog_20160408.gtf -o Results_featureCounts_matrix/featurecounts.txt *.out.bam > Results_featureCounts_matrix/featurecounts_screen_output.log ``` 5. Differential gene expression analysis - R analyses and R figures were run using the master script "**Script_R_analysis_figures_data_Freyria_et_al.R**" in the folder. - Figures 4c, 4d, 5, 6a and 7a and 7b were made using EXCEL/16.52 - Figures 6b and 6c were made using POWERPOINT/16.52 - Figure 7c was made using MUSCLE/3.8.1551 and RAXML/8.2.11 with the following command: ``` # Alignment using MUSCLE muscle -in file.fa -out file_muscle.fa # Tree was constructed using RAXML raxmlHPC-HYBRID-AVX2 -f a -#1000 -m PROTGAMMAGTR -p 12345 -x 12345 -s file_muscle.fa -n file_muscle.fa_PROTGAMMAGTR.tree ```
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