**[Drexel-CODATA FAIR-RRDM Workshop 2019][1]**
Sun 31 March and Mon 1 April 2019, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA (Collocated w/RDA plenary)
The deadline for proposals is Mon 4 March and accepted speakers will be notified no later than Tue 12 March.
Recommended proposal lengths for the three categories of presentation are:
1. Long, research presentation, addressing the workshop themes by
reporting on an original research activity: 800-1200 words
2. Short, practice presentation, addressing the workshop themes by
reporting on a project or institutional activity: 400-800 words
3. Poster and lightning talk addressing the workshop themes: 300-600
After the workshop, selected presenters will be invited to submit a full paper to the CODATA Data Science Journal where they will form a special collection.
The aim of the Drexel CODATA FAIR RRDM workshop is to bring together researchers, data management experts, policy leaders and to facilitate knowledge sharing between research communities and between institutions. Perspectives from all domains and from research institutions are in scope.
The workshop will feature invited speakers and an expert panel discussion, selected research and practice papers from an open call, a poster and lightning talks session, as well as workshop sessions on mechanisms for knowledge sharing and on issues of responsibility and sensitive data.
The workshop will:
1) highlight and scrutinise innovative approaches and key developments fulfilling FAIR principles;
2) promote broad interest and participation in the pursuit of solutions across disciplines and institutions; and
3) identify concrete mechanisms for knowledge sharing between research communities and between research institutions.
[1]: https://conference.codata.org/Drexel_CODATA_2019/stitutions