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There are three folders associated with this repository: - Final analysis RR Stage 2 - Pre-registration documents Stage 1 - Stimuli **Final analysis RR Stage 2** This folder contains all of the supplementary materials for the final registered report. Each of the files is listed below. *sound_symbolism.R*: the R code for all figures and analyses in the paper. *sound_symbolism_data.csv*: the raw data used in the analysis. This can be read directly into the R script above. Note that: - *uttered/segmented* includes data on word tokens uttered by participants which deviated slightly from the target form (for example, *doggie* produced instead of *dog*) but which were still segmented and included in the analysis. All word tokens produced with a size-related adjective are noted here. - *uttered/not segmented* includes tokens that deviated from the target form and were not segmented for various reasons (mis-labelled items such as *cat* produced instead of *dog*, or slight changes to the word that moved the focus of the word stress, such as *hairbrush* instead of *brush*). - *notes* indicates details on the segmented section of the recording, including mothers' use of creaky/whispered voice, presence of background noise, or instances where the first utterance of a token was not segmented. *sound_symbolism_lists.csv*: base spreadsheet for dummy-coding of variables *Sound Symbolism Analysis Summary.csv*: Participant numbers for each paradigm; participants with fewer than 5 datapoints for any given paradigm are highlighted in fuchsia. The three Analysis tabs show model outputs for each of the three analyses. Note that: - participant code SS19 has no data in paradigm 3 - the following subjects only have two observations each in paradigm 3: SS23, SS26, SS35, SS37 **Pre-registration documents Stage 1** This folder contains all of the supplementary materials for the Stage 1 pre-registration, including the methods, data analysis plan, hypotheses and predicted results with data simulations (*Simulated analysis.Rmd*). See the ReadMe document within the folder for further information. **Stimuli** PDFs of the posters and books used in the study are stored here. - Paradigm 1 posters are labeled *A3 Poster-01/02/03/04* - Paradigm 2 books are labeled *A3 book 1* and *A3 book 2* - The paradigm 3 book is labelled *A3 book 3*
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