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This database provides access to following building simulation reference year files for 564 locations in Canada. 1) **Typical Meteorological Year** for building energy applications are prepared using Sandia method (Hall et al. 1978; NREL 2008) by concatenating twelve typical meteorological months selected based on Finkelstein‐Schafer (FS) statistics. 2) Temperature reference years: **Typical Downscaled Year**, **Extreme Cold Year**, and **Extreme Warm Year** are prepared following Nik (2016; 2017) by concatenating twelve typical, extreme cold, and extreme warm months respectively to capture the variability within the ensemble of climate model simulations. 3) **Moisture Reference year** are prepared for hygrothermal applications. The median ranked year in terms of MI is selected as the **conditioning year** and the 10% level year is selected as the **extreme year** for hygrothermal applications. The data are provided for a **historical time-period: 1991-2021** and seven future time-periods coinciding with **0.5ºC, 1ºC, 1.5ºC, 2ºC, 2.5ºC, 3ºC, 3.5ºC of global warming**. The files are organized in six folders named according to the reference year file type. The names of the reference year files within these folders include a string denoting the global warming level and location the datafile corresponds to. For instance, file: **"./Files/Extreme Cold Year/Weatherfile_Tas min year_GW0.5_1012475.csv"** is a "**Extreme Cold Year**" reference year file that corresponds to a **global warming level of 0.5ºC** and **location with "climate_ID"=1012475**. The details of this station can be found from the "**List of stations.csv**" file located at ./Files/. **Following climatic variables are included in each file:** **RUN**: Run number (R1-R15) of Canadian Regional Climate Model, CanRCM4 large ensemble associated with the selected reference year data **YEAR** - Year associated with the record **MONTH** - Month associated with the record **DAY** - Day of the month associated with the record **HOUR** - Hour associated with the record **YDAY** - Day of the year associated with the record **DRI_kJPerM2_f100** - Direct horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the HOUR indicated). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **DHI_kJperM2_f100** - Diffused horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the HOUR indicated). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **DNI_kJperM2_f100** - Direct normal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the HOUR indicated). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **GHI_kJperM2_f100** - Global horizontal irradiance in kJ/m2 (total from previous HOUR to the HOUR indicated). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **TCC_Percent_f100** - Instantaneous total cloud cover at the HOUR in % (range: 0-100). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **RAIN_Mm_f100** - Total rainfall in mm (total from previous HOUR to the HOUR indicated). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **WDIR_ClockwiseDegFromNorth_f100** - instantaneous wind direction at the HOUR in degrees (measured clockwise from the North). The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **WSP_MPerSec_f100** - instantaneous wind speed at the HOUR in meters/sec. The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **RHUM_Percent_f100** - instantaneous relative humidity at the HOUR in %. The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **TEMP_K_f100** - instantaneous temperature at the HOUR in Kelvin. The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **ATMPR_Pa_f100** - instantaneous atmospheric pressure at the HOUR in Pa. The data provided has been multiplied by a factor of 100. **SnowC_Yes1No0** - instantaneous snow-cover code at the HOUR (1 - snow; 0 - no snow)
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