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The easiest thing to do is to download all the files in the file section as a zip and to unpack on your computer. You will have a folder with the following files: - - - exported_data folder - plots folder - data folder - experiment folder Raw data from experiment 1 (stripped from any identifying info) and processed data from experiment 2 can be found in the data folder. The raw data from experiment 2 is the zip ''. However, to just recreate the plots and analyses, you will not need this raw data. has helper functions used by which is the file that creates the figures and does the analyses. Simply running should create all the images and print all the relevant stats. Plots can be found in the plots folder. The accuracy table (in a different format as in the paper) can be found in the exported_data folder. Finally, the experiment for the lab version is located in the experiment folder. You need to download OpenSesame to run this file. The participant number cannot be 0. Quit the experiment by pressing esc or q. Most important variable names in the data frames: - RT = reaction time in ms - target_ecc = eccentricity of the target. Exp1: 1 (near),2 (middle), 3(far). Exp 2: 2(near), 3 (middle), 4 (far) - distractor_ecc = eccentricity of the distractor. Same as above, and 0 in case of no distractor - targetLoc : quadrant of target - distLoc : quadrant of distractor - targetColor: color of target (dist = opposite) - targetShape: shape of target (dist = opposite) - onsets: onset first saccade - fix_offset: difference between fixation and eye position in pixels - saccade_to_target: saccade to target on this trial (0 or 1) - saccade_to_dist : saccade to distractor on this trial (0 or 1) - fix_durs: list with fixation durations of eye movements per trial - subject: subject number - trial: trial number - scanpath: scanpath - arrival_times: list with arrival times of eye movements per trial - dwell_times: list with dwell times of eye movements per trial -
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