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In our recent work examining which sources of cognitive conflict best accounted for age-related difficulty with ToM ([Rahman et al., 2021][1]**), we employed the AQ-10 to screen for suspected autism. In line with work subsequent to Allison et al. (2012; Booth et al., 2013) and with original clinical guidance (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2021), we used a cut-off of ≥7. New guidance produced since publication, however, suggests a cut-off of ≥6. While our data collection and analyses occurred before the guidance was revised, in order to reflect best current practice, we re-analysed our data, taking into account this new cut-off. **We found that our core findings and conclusions hold**. In this project, we present a summary of the analytical approach taken in the 'summary_of_reanalysis' document, and provide copies of Tables 4 and 7, which present key information from our original publication. We also provide a copy of the published 'Letter_to_the_Editor', which provides further references for the interested reader. ---------- ** OSF project for Rahman et al., 2021, including pre-registration, materials and data, is available from: Rahman, F., Kessler, K., Apperly, I. A., Hansen, P. C., Javed, S., Holland, C. A., & Hartwright, C. E. (2021). Sources of cognitive conflict and their relevance to theoryof-mind proficiency in healthy aging: A preregistered study. *Psychological Science*, 32(12), 1918–1936. [1]:
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