## International Corpus of English - Canada (ICE-Can) ##
[ICE-Can][1] (Voices of the International Corpus of English (VOICE) CANADA) is a 70-recording corpus of Canadian English from across Canada. It contains recordings of monologues and dialogues in scripted and unscripted contexts, mostly from radio broadcasts.The transcripts were converted to .TextGrid format and aligned during the SPADE project using the [Montreal Forced Aligner][3].
Note: Sibilant measures could not be generated for many of the ICE-Can recordings given the reduced spectral range.
**Number of Speakers:** 78, 20F \
**Hours of Speech:** about 8.5 \
**Year Recorded:** 1985-2000, but mostly in the 1990s \
**Data Guardian:** public, available from University of Alberta Libraries' Dataverse \
**Speaker Dimensions:** age, dialect (birthplace, nationality, place recorded), mother tongue, other languages spoken, ethnicity, social class (occupation, education, professional training). Not all dimensions are reported for all speakers. The metadata file for this corpus can be downloaded [here][2].
[1]: https://dataverse.library.ualberta.ca/dvn/dv/VOICE
[2]: https://dataverse.library.ualberta.ca/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7939/DVN/10500
[3]: http://montreal-forced-aligner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html