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**Required survey information coming soon! This information will be available by September 27, 2024.** If you are interested in contributing, please fill out the Contributor Information form here: With the 2024 election approaching we are reaching the 🎉20-year anniversary🎉 of our first EAMMi project. We wanted to take this opportunity to push for additional data collection toward a direct+conceptual replication of the initial EAMMi study during the 2004 election. This present push for data collection is mainly focused on U.S. respondents with data collected before the U.S. election in November having extra value. However, we also welcome and encourage on-going data collection beyond this time period from both international and U.S. sites. Further we would invite additional samples from previous EAMMi3 sites as the initial data collection was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. For those who may be interested in contributing data to this study, we would require: IRB approval at your local level Inclusion of specific demographic information Use of the EAMMi3 MoA and/or IDEA measures Survey items related to the election for US samples prior to November With these items in mind, you could otherwise include any other measures you would like (particularly if they had been previously used in prior iterations of the EAMMi). We will provide the required survey items. Contributors will have ownership of the data they collect, as well as opportunities to co-author a main paper for qualified contributors, and have the opportunity to access all of the ongoing EAMMi data for future pre-registered analysis.
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