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Does task relevance shape the 'shift to global' in ambiguous motion perception  /

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Description: Perception can differ even when the stimulus information is the same. Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of experience and relevance on visual perception. We examined the influence of perceptual relevance in an auxiliary task on subsequent perception of an ambiguous stimulus. Observers were presented with an ambiguous motion stimulus that could either be perceived as rotating dot-pairs (‘local’) or pulsating geometrical figures (‘global’). Prolonged perception of this stimulus is characterized by a ‘shift to global’, but it remained unclear whether this process is due to relevance of the global percept or mere exposure to the stimulus. During a learning phase over five successive days, participants were divided into conditions determining the relevant percept in an auxiliary task: local, global, or none (active exposure). In a pre- and post- test, individual points of subjective equality between ‘local’ and ‘global’ percepts were measured. Results indicate that there is indeed a ‘shift to global’. Interestingly, auxiliary task relevance does not seem to modify this process.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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