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This folder includes 1. Raw data 2. Program code used for model fitting 3. Program code used for analysing group differences and associations with symptom dimensions **1, Raw data** Raw data from the risky decision and happiness task in separate tsv files for patients and controls. Data is formatted as described in the 'Details' section of the documentation of the *rdt_happiness* function from the [hBayesDM R package][1]: > **Details** > > This section describes some of the function arguments in > greater detail. data should be assigned a character value specifying > the full path and name (including extension information, e.g. ".txt") > of the file that contains the behavioral data-set of all subjects of > interest for the current analysis. The file should be a tab-delimited > text file, whose rows represent trial-by-trial observations and > columns represent variables. For the Risky Decision Task, there should > be 9 columns of data with the labels "subjID", "gain", "loss", "cert", > "type", "gamble", "outcome", "happy", "RT_happy". It is not necessary > for the columns to be in this particular order, however it is > necessary that they be labeled correctly and contain the information > below: > > **subjID** A unique identifier for each subject in the data-set. > > **gain** Possible (50%) gain outcome of a risky option (e.g. 9). > > **loss** Possible (50%) loss outcome of a risky option (e.g. 5, or -5). > > **cert** Guaranteed amount of a safe option > > **type** loss == -1, mixed == 0, gain == 1 > > **gamble** If gamble was taken, gamble == 1; else gamble == 0. > > **outcome** Result of the trial. > > **happy** Happiness score. > > **RT_happy** Reaction time for answering the happiness score. **2, Program code for model fitting** **3, Program code used for analysing group differences and associations with symptom dimensions** [1]:
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