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This script pushes beta-delayed neutron emission rates to their non-delayed neutron emission counterparts. While the input file may have data for the delayed-neutron emission rates, the output file has those rates added to the zero neutron-emission beta decay rates. If λβjn(Z,A) is the rate for isotope with atomic number Z and mass number A to beta decay and emit j neutrons, then the routine computes Λβ(Z,A)=jmaxj=0λβjn(Z,A), with jmax the maximum number of delayed neutrons emitted, removes all values λβjn(Z,A) from the input file for j>0 and replaces λβ0n(Z,A) in the input file by Λβ(Z,A).

To use, first download the file by typing

curl -o -J -L

Use the script on a Webnucleo network XML file (in this example, called net.xml). This will be a Webnucleo network data file. To obtain an example, type

curl -o net.xml -J -L

Then push the delayed-neutron rates by typing

python net.xml no_bdn.xml

The file no_bdn.xml has the beta-delayed neutron emission rates pushed to the zero neutron emission rates.

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