This is the project for **Social Smartphone Apps Do Not Capture Attention Despite Their Perceived High Reward Value**
The project contains the following folders:
- **Analysis and Results** contains the R scripts for both studies as well as the entire workspace for the first study (i.e, the experiment).
- **Data** contains two folders, one for each study. *Study 1 (Experiment)* contains the following four data files: demographic information, manipulation checks, the raw behavioral data, and a working file. *Study 2 (Survey)* contains the following two files: the raw data and a working file. For an explanation of the different files and their variables, see the **Read-me-Wiki**.
- **Materials** contains the materials for both studies. *Study 1 (Experiment)* contains the python script for the visual search task; the instruction folder are the instructions as pictures used in the script; the icons contain the 15 icons we used with 55 by 55 pixels. *Study 2 (Survey)* contains the survey we used both in the Qualtrics and in word format as well as the icons in a zip-file in 512 by 512 pixels.