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**SCRIPTS** The analysis scripts for study 1 (**Study1_Analysis_20170511.R**) and study 2 (**FGT_Study2_DDM_Model.txt**) contains R code for generating the figures and the main sets of GLM analyses (rstanarm). Each of the scripts requires the three CSV datasets in data directory outlined below associated with their respective study. ---------- **MODEL CODE** The Drift Diffusion Model (DDM) for study 1 and 2 are found in **FGT_Study1_DDM_Model**.txt (run on all participants, with gambling and perceptual tasks as between-subject conditions) and **FGT_Study1_DDM_Model**.txt (run on the gambling task for all participants). ---------- **DATA** - data/**FGT_Study1_RawData**.csv contains the raw behavioral data from the Flash Gambling Task in study 1. One trial per row. - data/**FGT_Study1_DDMSubjectParams**.csv contains the subject level DDM parameters. One subject per row. The drift rate, delta, was fit separately for the 5 levels of mu (mean number of dots in the uncertain condtion), and we included delta130, the drift in the middle condition with 130 dots, deltaIntercept and deltaSlope, which were the Intercept and Slope terms when we fit a linear regression to the 5 drift rates, and deltaPiecewiseSlope, which is the piecewise increase in delta as mu increased. - data/**FGT_Study1_ReverseCorrelationData**.RData which contains the number of dots in the uncertain option used in the reverse correlation analysis in study 2. One frame per row. - data/**FGT_Study2_RawData**.csv contains the raw behavioral data from the Flash Gambling Task in study 2. One trial per row. - data/**FGT_Study2_SubjectParamsForCorrelations.csv**.csv contains the subject level individual difference measures, as well as the DDM parameters (similar to study 1, and tagged with "_DDM"), and RDSS parameters (last few columns). One subject per row. - data/**FGT_Study2_ReverseCorrelationData**.RData which contains the number of dots in the uncertain option used in the reverse correlation analysis in study 2. One frame per row. ---------- **FIGURES** Contain the four reverse correlation figures that show the average number of dots in the uncertain option conditioned on choice, as well as the decision kernel and decision bias across all the experimental conditions.
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