# Probablement, Wahrscheinlich, Likely ? A Cross-Language Study of How People Verbalize Probabilities in Icon Array Visualizations
This paper will be published at IEEE VIS 2022. A [preprint](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.09608) is available on arXiv.
### Supplementary Material
This supplementary material contains the source code used to generate the analysis-related figures. To run the code, [R](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/) and [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) must be installed.
## Links to the online experiments:
- in Arabic: https://supp-exp-ar.netlify.app/
- in English: https://supp-exp-en.netlify.app/
- in French: https://supp-exp-fr.netlify.app/
- in German: https://supp-exp-de.netlify.app/
- in Mandarin: https://supp-exp-zh.netlify.app/
## Datasets and analysis
**Expression-to-vis** is referred to as **w2v** and **exp1** in the data
**Vis-to-Expression** is referred to as **v2w** and **exp2** in the data
## Results
The 'results' folder contains additional data and output from the analysis code, including:
- tables from the ocmparison between the two experiments
- folders with the main results for each experiment
## Paper-figures
All the figures used in the paper.