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**Neuropsychological assessment of visual perceptual disorders** **Celine Gillebert and Hella Thielen**<br/> *Department of Brain and Cognition, KU Leuven, Belgium* **Els Ortibus**<br/> *Department of Development and Regeneration, KU Leuven, Belgium* **Kathleen Vancleef**<br/> *Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom* Impairments in visual perception are common in children and adults with brain damage due to periventricular leukomalacia, stroke, traumatic brain injury or neurodegenerative disease, among other factors. Visual perceptual disorders can occur at different levels, ranging from blindness in a part of the visual field to problems in the formation of a percept and spatial biases in visual attention. In the first part of the tutorial, we will introduce visual perceptual disorders occurring following brain damage in children or adults, divided into visual-field defects, lower-order visual orders and higher-order visual disorders. We will discuss the neural basis of these deficits, their impact on other cognitive functions, and their implications for rehabilitation outcome. In the second part of the tutorial, attendees will be trained on the administration of contemporary neuropsychological tests assessing visual perception, such as the CVIT 3-6, a screening test for cerebral visual impairment in young children, the Leuven Perceptual Organization Test (L-POST), a screening test for mid-level visual function in adults with brain damage, and the cancellation test of the Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS), a screening test for object- versus space-based neglect in stroke survivors. Overall, the tutorial will provide the attendees with in-depth knowledge about the most recent tools for the neuropsychological assessment of visual perceptual disorders. This will be relevant both for researchers working in the field of visual perception and for clinicians concerned with the diagnosis and rehabilitation of visual impairments. Learning objectives:<br/> After the tutorial, attendees should be able to<br/> 1. disentangle visual perceptual disorders at the behavioural level and at the neural level 2. understand the implications of visual perceptual disorders for other cognitive functions and rehabilitation outcome 3. administer contemporary neuropsychological diagnostics tests of visual perception
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