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WASH Benefits Kenya Randomized Controlled Trial - Implementation Paper & Documents  /

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Description: The aim of the behavior change program was to create sustained behavior change among WASH Benefits study participants and their family members. Local promoters (also known as IPAAs) were selected and trained to deliver messages and provide support. Promoters visited study households at least once per month over the course of the study. Promoters were assigned to one of the six intervention arms and received training on theory, key messages, and materials to engage households and facilitate behavior change. The Behavior Change (BC) team developed comprehensive materials such as; • Training manuals • Summary Sheets (a communication aid for promoters) • Visual Aids - Cue Cards and Picture Sheets


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Promoter Training Materials

Training manuals were developed specific to the behavior change messages and study interventions for the treatment arm. Training manuals include activ...

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Promoter Summary Sheets - Kiswahili & English

Summary sheets are engagement guides that the promoter uses with the study participants. They have brief descriptions of key concepts and messages. Su...

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Key Messages & Visual Aids

Key messages were interwoven into the visits through summary sheets and visual aids. Each treatment arm had ~6 primary key messages, each with a serie...

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