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#### Title: Options for remote STEM research: Conducting a meta-analysis Short summary: Learn how to find broader trends by statistically analyzing results from published papers Events page summary: Please join us for the first in-depth topic in our series "Options for Remote STEM Research". Guest speaker Dr. Michael Patten of the Oklahoma Biological Survey will cover "Conducting a meta-analysis". Dr. Patten is a Presidental Professor at the Oklahoma Biological Survey. He has taught graduate level classes on meta-analyses, as well as multivariate statistics. This event is a live webinar following on our series introduction videos, available on our YouTube channel. Watch out for more online events and videos in this series over the summer on our YouTube channel, Twitter, and the DAVIS listserv. Registration is required to receive Zoom link. #### Associated materials (Claire deals with this) - Upload transcript and recorded video to YouTube,, and OSF - Upload any slides - Provide link to meta-analysis books in LibGuide
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