#### **Materials and Equipment Instruction Manuals** ####
**This component gives you space to organize the documentation related to the materials that you use within your project.**
This may be for example:
- Instrument manuals
- Reagent Data Sheets
- Instrument-specific calibration information
- Information about calibration of instruments
- Information about the location of reagents
- Mouse colony information
For more detailed information about using the OSF interface, or to ask further questions about using the template as a Lab Notebook, please contact us at <a href="mailto:huajinw@cmu.edu"> huajinw@cmu.edu</a> or <a href="mailto:mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu"> mgainey@andrew.cmu.edu</a>. <br>
Additionally OSF tutorials, instructions, and support contacts are available at <a href="http://help.osf.io/">OSF Guides </a>.