This project is reported in the manuscript "The Effect of the Validity of Co-occurrence on Automatic and Deliberate Evaluation" by Moran, Bar-Anan, and Nosek. <br/>
It currently links to the following projects:<br/>
lateneg3: Experiments 1b, 2b and 3b in the manuscript.
lateneg4: Experiments 1a and 2a.
lateneg5: Experiment 3a.
To experience lateneg3, you can go to
and click the link [Test the study][1] next to the file lateneg3.expt.xml. You will be randomly assigned to one of the three experiments (1b, 2b, or 3b). You will need to run the study a few times until you can see all the experiments.
To experience lateneg4, you can go to and click the link [Test the study][2] next to the file lateneg4.expt.xml. You will be randomly assigned to one of the two experiments (1a or 2a). You will need to run the study again and again until you can see both experiments.
To experience lateneg5, go to and click the ilnk [Test the study][3] next to the file lateneg5.expt.xml.