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Description: The development of this review is based on researchers' concerns about the lack of involvement and insertion of nurses in actions that contribute to the well-being of students, specifically the prevention of bullying. Studies have demonstrated that school nursing practice is an essential component for implementing health promotion programs. School nursing interventions to prevent bullying require planning and work in partnership with the school community. School nursing interventions to prevent bullying require planning and work in partnership with the school community. To achieve this, it is necessary for nurses to acquire professional skills capable of strengthening health care and leading preventive programs in the school context. The objective of this review will be to identify and map the essential competencies for the practice of school nursing regarding the development of anti-bullying strategies. This review will be guided by the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) and reported by the Preferred reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The search for articles will include the MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, Cochrane, Embase, Scopus, Science Direct, ERIC, PsycInfo, IBECS, BDENF and LILACS databases, in addition to consulting repositories and websites to screen gray literature on the topic, and studies will be selected without time or language restrictions. The data will be grouped according to the types of school nursing practice and the profile of competencies identified in the studies, in order to highlight strengths and weaknesses for the implementation of anti-bullying nursing interventions.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Study design

This is a scoping review guided by the recommendations of the JBI Institute Reviewer's Manual (JBI, 2020), according to the theoretical framework proposed by Peters et al. (2020), from the nine steps: 1) definition and alignment with the research objective and question; 2) development and alignment of inclusion criteria; 3) description of the planned approach to finding evidence, sele…


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Anti-bullyingBullying preventionNursesNurse's RoleProfessional CompetenceSchool Health PromotionSchool NursingScoping Review

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