** Upcoming talk **
20 April 2020 (21:00 HK time)
**Information processing and cross-linguistic universals**
Edward Gibson (MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
**Virtual Psycholinguistics Forum**
This forum was proposed in the context of a worldwide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite psycholinguists to give an online talk on a theoretical frontier, experimental findings around a topic, and/or cutting-edge methods, in the area of psychology of language. The talks will be given at an ad hoc basis. To participate, please click on one of the following Zoom links. We thank The Chinese University of Hong Kong for supporting this forum.
https://cuhk.zoom.cn/j/779556638 (mainland China)
With permission from the speaker, we will record the talk for subsequent re-visit. If you have any suggestions/questions, please email zhenguangcai@cuhk.edu.hk.
########### Talk schedule (Hong Kong time) ###########
07 April 2020 (13:00) **How do people predict language?** Aine Ito (University of Tokyo)
https://cuhk.zoom.us/rec/share/w-FNC5_7_0dLT4Xsshv1AZ8TIKbeX6a8gSdN-qYKnh3g9ahxhRJjZbtnuy8Ui0WN (Access Password: 42ssz8)