## About this project
#### Run the Shiny app online
We have created an online version of our app through the free shinyapps.io service. Only a limited number of users can access the app simultaneously, so if the URL isn't working, it is probably because too many people are trying to access it. The URL for the Shiny App is: https://ucmquantpsych.shinyapps.io/sensitivityanalysis/
#### Download the Shiny App code
If you'd like to download the files required to run our Shiny app locally, please download the *SensitivityAnalysisApp - OSF.zip* folder from the directory. Unzip the folder to get access to the ui.R and sever.R files needed for running the app.
Please contact Blinded for review (blinded for review) if you run into any issues loading the app.
#### Simulation code and results
All files created for the simulation study discussed in the paper can be found in the *Simulation Files.zip* folder in the directory.