**Similarity Data**
All of the files in square brackets are (conveniently, I hope) bundled into one big zip file for downloading [data][1].
Matlab Algorithms for Representing Similarity Data
Generating multidimensional scaling representations [mds.m] , a much faster version due to Paul Tiesinga [mdsFast.m], an alternative version using Matlab’s optimisation toolbox [mds2.m, mdsresiduals.m], using an additive constant [mds2c.m, mdsresidualsc.m], classical multidimensional scaling [classicalmds.m], and complexity-based ‘growing’ [mdsgrow.m, mdsresidualsc.m] approaches.
- Generating additive tree representations [addtree.m], displaying them [displaytree.m], and complexity-based ‘growing’ [addtreegrow.m, displaytree.m] approaches.
- Generating additive clustering representations [adclus.m], and alternative versions using stochastic hillclimbing for fixed cluster [adclus2.m], and complexity-based ‘growing’ cluster [adclusgrow.m] approaches.
- Measuring Bayesian Information Criteria for representations [bic.m]
- Generating common features [commonclus.m, displayrepn_c.m], distinctive features [distinctclus.m, displayrepn_d.m], and modified contrast model [contrastclus.m, displayrepn_b.m] representations, constrained by the Geometric Complexity Criterion.
**Matlab Similarity Data Files**
Each of these .mat files contains 4 variables: n = number of objects, labs = string array of labels for the objects, s = n x n symmetric matrix of normalised pairwise similarities between the objects, d = n x n symmetric matrix of normalized pairwise proximities between the objects:
- Human judgments of the numbers 0-9 [abstractnumbers.mat]. From research described in Shepard, R. N., Kilpatrick, D. W., & Cunningham, J. P. (1975). The internal representation of numbers. Cognitive Psychology, 7, 82-138 (with thanks to Josh Tenenbaum).
- Auditory confusions of 25 letters (all excluding ‘o’) and the numbers 0-9 [auditory.mat]. From research reported in Kuennapas, T., & Janson, A-J. (1969). Multidimensional Similarity of Letters. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 28, 3-12.
- A sociologist’s judgment of the relationships between 14 bank wiring workers [bankwiring.mat]. From research reported in Roethlisberger, F. J., & Dickson, W. J. (1939). Management and the worker. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Human judgments of 14 colours, specified by their wavelengths [colours.mat]. From research reported in Ekman, G. (1954). Dimensions of color vision. The Journal of Psychology, 38, 467-474.
- Voting patterns of 14 members of congress on environmental bills [congress.mat]. From raw data presented in Romesburg, H. C. (1984). Cluster analysis for researchers. Belmont, CA: Lifetime Learning Publications.
- Human judgments of 17 dot patterns [dotpatterns.mat]. From research reported in Glushko, R. J. (1975). Pattern goodness and redundancy revisited: Multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. Perception & Psychophysics, 17(2), 158-162.
- Reported adolescent use of 13 drug types [druguse.mat]. From research reported in Huba, G. L., Wingard, J. A., & Bentler, P. M. (1981). A comparison of two latent variable causal models for adolescent drug use. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(1), 180-193.
- Human judgments of 16 drawings of flowerpots [flowerpots.mat]. From research reported in Gati, I., & Tversky, A. (1982). Representations of qualitative and quantitative dimensions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8(2), 325-340.
- Human judgments of 21 fruits [fruits.mat]. From research reported in Tversky, A., & Hutchinson, J. W. (1986). Nearest Neighbor Analysis of Psychological Spaces. Psychological Review, 93(1), 3-22.
- Kindergarten children’s judgment of perceptual similarity of the 26 capital letters [letters.mat]. From research reported in Gibson, E. J., Osser, H., Schiff, W., & Smith, J. (1963). An analysis of critical features of letters, tested by a confusion matrix. Cooperative Research Project No. 639, U.S. Office of Education.
- Confusion of Morse code numerals [morsenumbers.mat] and numeral and letters [morseall.mat]. From research reported in Rothkopf, E. Z. (1957). A measure of stimulus similarity and errors in some paired-associate learning tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 53, 94-101.
- Auditory confusion of 16 consonant phonemes [phonemes.mat]. From research reported in Miller, G. A., & Nicely, P. E. (1955). An analysis of perceptual confusions among some English consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 27, 338-352.
- Human judgments of 18 risks [risks.mat]. From research reported in Johnson, E. J., & Tversky, A. (1984). Representations of Perceptions of Risks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 113(1), 55-70.
- Human judgments of 16 rectangles [rectangles.mat]. From research described in Chapter 15 of Borg, I., & Lingoes, J. (1987). Multidimensional similarity structure analysis. New York: Springer Verlag.
The following .mat files also contain a variable sigma_emp, which gives an empirical estimate of the precision of the similarity and proximity data:
- Human judgments (in 1967) of 17 countries [country_robinsonhefner.mat]. From research reported in Robinson, J. P., & Hefner, R (1967). Multidimensional Differences in Public and Academic Perceptions of Nations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7(3), 251-259.
- Human judgments of 8 rectangles with interior line segments [rectangles_kruschke.mat]. From research reported in Kruschke, J. K. (1993). Human category learning: Implications for backpropagation models. Connection Science, 5, 3-36.
- Human judgments of 15 kinship terms [kinship_rosenbergkim.mat]. From research reported in Rosenberg, S., & Kim, M. P. (1975). The Method of Sorting as a Data-Generating Procedure in Multivariate Research. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 10, 489-502.
- Human judgments of 21 bird names [birds_romney.mat], 21 clothing names [clothing_romney.mat], 21 different clothing names [clothing2_romney.mat], 21 fish names [fish_romney.mat], 21 fruit names [fruit_romney.mat], 21 different fruit names [fruit2_romney.mat], 21 furniture names [furniture_romney.mat], 21 different furniture names [furniture2_romney.mat], 21 semantically unrelated words [nonsense_romney.mat], 21 sport names [sport_romney.mat], 21 tool names [tools_romney.mat], 21 toy names [toys_romney.mat], 21 vegetable names [vegetables_romney.mat], 21 different vegetable names [vegetables2_romney.mat], 21 vehicle names [vehicles_romney.mat], 21 different vehicle names [vehicles2_romney.mat], 21 weapon names [weapons_romney.mat], 21 different weapon names [weapons2_romney.mat]. All from research reported in Romney, A. K., Brewer, D. D., & Batchelder, W. H. (1993). Predicting Clustering from Semantic Structure. Psychological Science, 4(1), 28-34, with thanks to Devon Brewer.
- Human judgments of 9 lines of different lengths [lines_cohen.mat], 60 faces [faces_busey.mat], 7 ‘morphed’ faces [faces_steyvers.mat], 9 shapes varying in size and angle [sizeangle_treat.mat], 24 bodies varying in “affect and body size” [bodies_viken.mat]. Mark Steyvers kindly provided me with all of these, and I have yet to chase up references (although the filenames ought to make that pretty easy).
- Human judgments of 30 Brodatz textures [texturebrodatz_heaps.mat], and 24 MIT textures [texturemit_heaps.mat]. Both from research reported in Heaps, C., & Handel, S. (1999). Similarity and Features of Natural Textures. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 25(2), 299-320.
- Human judgments of 10 cartoon faces [cartoonfaces.mat], and forced-choice judgments of 16 countries in a similarity condition [countriessim.mat] and a dissimilarity condition [countriesdis.mat]. From the research described in Navarro, D.J., & Lee, M.D. (2004). Common and distinctive features in stimulus representation: A modified version of the contrast model. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11(6), 961–974, and Navarro, D.J., & Lee, M.D. (2002). Commonalities and distinctions in featural stimulus representations. In W.G. Gray & C. D. Schunn, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 685-690. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Human judgments of 21 animals (presented as pictures on a 5 point scale) [animalpictures5.mat], of 21 animals (presented as pictures on a 5 point scale) [animalpictures5.mat], of 21 animals (presented as pictures on an 11 point scale) [animalpictures11.mat], of 21 animals (presented as words on a 5 point scale) [animalnames5.mat], of 21 animals (presented as words on an 11 point scale) [animalnames11.mat], of 25 faces (5 point scale) [faces5.mat], and of 25 faces (11 point scale) [faces11.mat], together with two bitmap files with the face stimuli [faces.bmp, faces2.bmp]. From (as yet; probably never-to-be) unreported research I did a while back.
- Human judgments of 24 sounds (with different similarity collection methodologies) [sounds_harbke.txt], kindly provided by Colin Harbke.
And, I finally got around to making the raw text document similarity from the follow paper available. Only a decade late.
- Lee, M.D., Pincombe, B.M., & Welsh, M.B. (2005). An empirical evaluation of models of text document similarity. In B.G. Bara, L.W. Barsalou & M. Bucciarelli, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1254-1259. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. [pdf][2] [data][3]
[1]: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~mdlee/all.zip
[2]: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~mdlee/lee_pincombe_welsh_document.PDF
[3]: https://webfiles.uci.edu/mdlee/LeePincombeWelsh.zipcsci.uci.edu/~mdlee/lee_pincombe_welsh_document.PDF