You can find files used for 2017 version of Religion IAT. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the following three IAT's:
For the IAT task,
Christianity vs. Judaism
- Good words are: 8 good words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Bad words are: 8 bad words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Judaism images and words are: "judaism.jpg", "Synagogue", "Torah", "Jew", "Judaism"
- Christianity images and words are: "christianity.jpg", "Church", "Bible", "Christian", "Christianity"
Christianity vs. Islam
- Good words are: 8 good words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Bad words are: 8 bad words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Islam images and words are: "islam.jpg", "Mosque", "Koran", "Muslim", "Islam"
- Christianity images and words are: "christianity.jpg", "Church", "Bible", "Christian", "Christianity"
Judaism vs. Islam
- Good words are: 8 good words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Bad words are: 8 bad words were randomly selected from a pool of 32 words (see mgr.js file)
- Islam images and words are: "islam.jpg", "Mosque", "Koran", "Muslim", "Islam"
- Judaism images and words are: "judaism.jpg", "Synagogue", "Torah", "Jew", "Judaism"
The experiment procedure has been change over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.