We obtain a measure of party position from a scaling of ideology tags supplied in infoboxes on political parties' Wikipedia pages:
![Infobox in the Wikipedia entry for La République En Marche! and associated tags](https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/evxn6/providers/osfstorage/5cc2e3b29ed8fe001645dec6?mode=render =50%x)
We find that the recovered scale can be interpreted in familiar terms of "left vs. right":
![Response curves for ideology tags, estimated intervals for lr-position tags, and estimated party positions (indicated by tick marks) from a joint scaling of ideology and lr-position tags; 2,147 parties and 35 tags](https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/evxn6/providers/osfstorage/5d205cbcfe43a10017233f92?mode=render)
Estimated party positions correlate well with ratings of parties' left-right positions from extant large-scale expert surveys:
![Comparison of party position estimates to expert ratings from the Democratic Accountability and Linkages Project and from the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey; N = 434 and N = 247](https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/evxn6/providers/osfstorage/5d205db2fe43a1001624119b?mode=render)