This site contains supplementary material for a book chapter in a forthcoming book on model-based neuroscience.
Due to a last minute change from the publisher the chapter had to be considerably shortened.
The pdf of supplementary material contains sections that were removed from the paper that:
a) Provide background on how hierarchical Bayesian models work;
b) Provide and example application.
The site also has an RData object (PNAS.RData) containing two R data frames:
a) covariates: the Basal Ganglia and PreSMA measurements for each participant (designated by the row names).
b) data: an R data frame with the data for the example application. The columns of this data frame are
1) s: subjects factor
2) trial: trial number
3) S: stimulus factor (left or right motion)
4) R: response (LEFT or RIGHT)
5) RT: response time in seconds
6) C: response score (boolean)
7) E: emphasis on accuracy/speed/neutral