# Description of files
#### **Published article:** https://publishing.escholarship.umassmed.edu/jeslib/article/id/436/
* **ALL_DATABASES.xlsx** contains ALL of the overlap computation spreadsheets used in this work in separate tabs. This document is quite large and may slow down your computer.
* **CLEAN.xlsx** contains tabs for cleaning the raw data files provided by the publishers. These files add dashes to the ISSNs and EISSNs, ensure that the type of dash is consistent, and add zeros to the beginning of ISSNs and EISSNs.
* You may need to remove white space from your cells by using the TRIM() function
* To remove duplicates copy the cells title, ISSN, and EISSN columns and use paste special to place them in a new location. Then highlight the 3 columns and select Data >> Table Tools >> Remove Duplicates
* **README.docx** contains instructions on using the spreadsheets provided on this OSF page
* **Raw data** contains the data provided to us by the database publishers
* The **remaining spreadsheets** contain the overlap analyses performed in this work