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Contains starts and ends of 34,225 incubation bouts from 729 nests from 91 populations of 32 shorebird species. ---------- We recommend **read**ing the **paper METHODS** before using the data. ---------- Questions can be directed to: Martin Bulla (****) ---------- WHEN USING THIS DATA, **PLEASE CITE**: Bulla et al (2016). Supporting infromation for 'Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds'. Open Science Framework. Retrieved: ADD DATETIME. ------ Values are separated by comma. ------ **Column definition** 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's common English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. method: monitoring method (BAS - light logger measuring relative light intensity, Intigeo - light logger measuring absolute light intensity, RFID - radio frequency identification system, TT - TinyTag temperature probe, MSR - MSR temperature probe, UvA - University of Amsterdam GPS tag, IT - automated receivers recording signal from radio tag, observ - continuous observation, video - continuous video recording) 5. sampling: average sampling interval of incubation behaviior in minutes 6. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest see pk_nest or paste together breeding_site, year, nest, nn) 7. nn: nesting attempt (0 - unknown, 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third) 8. tag: unique identity of the logger/tag (if any) a bird was carrying 9. bird_ID: unique identity of the bird (if known) 10. sex: sex of the bird if known (f = female, m = male), otherwise (u and w where u refers to the bird that was tagged, w to the bird that was inferred) 11. lat: latitude of the nest location (decimal) 12. lon: longitude of the nest location (decimal) 13. sure: is the assignment of the bout certain (y) or not (n) 14. n_ass: is the night exchange assumed (y) or not (n) 15. datetime_on: date and time when the bird started incubation bout 16. datetime_off: date and time when the bird ended incubation bout 18. pk_nest: unique identity of the nest created by pasting together sp, breeding_site, year, nest, nn 19. act_ID: unique identity of the actogram (from Supplementary Actograms) containing the given data 20. pk: primary key (unique row ID)
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