On November 3, 2021, the [UC San Diego University Librarian, Erik Mitchell][1], gave an update on the UC Transformative Agreements and where we are in the process of increasing sustainable journal subscription access and OA publishing discounts or full-coverage for UC authors.
Allegra Swift, [UC San Diego Scholarly Communication Librarian][2], discussed OA publishing avenues for authors whose chosen publishing venue or format are not covered by the UC agreements.
The event was recorded (see the [Library’s YouTube channel][3]) and transcripts and slides are shared below.
[1]: https://library.ucsd.edu/about/university-librarian/index.html
[2]: https://ucsd.libguides.com/ScholComm/Home
[3]: https://youtu.be/KPsLo3XjxGA
[4]: https://knit.ucsd.edu/scholcomm/2021/09/29/2021-open-access-week-events-ucsd/